BK's new Crispy Chicken Sandwich - Detail - © 2017 Burger King

This week, we’re in for more of the same, for the most part. But there are a few really different items to showcase!We’re expanding our news window to include chips and candy just because we just couldn’t let some of those announcements go by without telling you about them…Read More →

Guacamole Autentico - Detail - © californiaavocado.com.jpg

There’s nothing I like more, for a snack, than a nice bowl of Guacamole and some fresh Tortilla chips. Anytime, any place. I’ll throw my weight loss concerns to the wind and eat the whole thing. But I want real, fresh Guacamole – not something out of a jar. And that means, I have to make it from scratch…Read More →

Classic Poutine - Detail - © Wendy's Canada

Along with Tourtière, Cretons and Tarte au Sucre, Poutine is one of the signature native dishes of the province of Quebec, in Canada. I’ve blogged before about the origins of the dish and I’ve opined as to how it should be made. But, today, I’m going to pass on the original, small-town diner recipe…Read More →