Mattar Paneer: ‘Cool’ Curry – With Earthy, Umami, Notes
Mattar Paneer is well-known across India’s 23 official cuisine regions. This ‘cool’ curry goes by many names, and pops up in many differ-ent variants according to where you eat it. But whatever you call it or put in it, it’s just as de-licious and nutritious!Read More →
Sunday Musings: Don’t Mess Around With Classics!
This past week has seen two egregious exam-ples of major Foodsphere companies making bad decisions. And being held to account by their fans. Why do food mega-brands jump in and fiddle with classic elements of their cor-porate identities?Read More →
Fast Food Week: Quick Service Restaurant And Snacks News!
Mains, Beverages, and Snacks all well-repre-sented this time… A record 19 items in this edition of Fast Food Week! Including a couple of international Novelty items. And a remind-er that US Girl Scout Cookie Season is here! Buy/order early to get the ones you crave!Read More →
Specific Brain Region Stores Memories Of Sugar And Fat
I’ve long thought there was something to this theory… And it seems I was on the right track. Primary research has found specific areas in the brain that store memories of sugar and fat – profoundly impacting food intake, and pos-sibly, obesity…Read More →
The New Walmart Logo – Just Like The Old Walmart Logo?
America’s retail giant has made significant promo noise announcing an update to its well-known wordmark and ‘spark’ logo. But critics are asking how significant the change is. And some are even asking, why did Wal-mart bother to fiddle it’s logo at all?Read More →
You Have To See These Street Food Master Chefs Working!
Sister Erin twigged me to this amazing web-site/blog saying it complements beautifully the greater message behind my recent posts involving Asian foods. I say you have to see these Indian Street Food Master Chefs work-ing to fully appreciate their art…Read More →
Starbuck’s Becoming Less Social – Despite CEO Promise
Starbuck’s new CEO, appointed last year, promised a major overhaul of the chain’s business model. That plan included rein-stating Starbuck’s ‘classic’ laid back atmo-sphere. Now, it appears the company is having second thoughts…Read More →
We All Prefer Higher-Calorie Foods – Obese Or Not…
Researchers came up against a puzzling find-ing in recent studies of eating habits: It seems everyone prefers higher-Calorie foods, wheth-er they are overweight or obese or not. But it appears that conscious choices based on flavour are not involved…Read More →