McD's Burger of Tomorrow? - © 2014 McDonald's Restaurants

Back almost a year ago, we told you that McDonald’s – in an attempt to stop the erosion of its market share by new, emerging chains – was considering making major changes to its menu: Letting customers ‘Build Your Own’ burgers! Now, it appears they are testing this novel approach…Read More →

Is there no end to the craziness that Burger vendors will go to, to differentiate themselves from the suffocating competition in their overcrowded culinary niche? Apparently not. We’ve already seen a number of variations on the classic Burger Bun, and even some non-bread attempts. But nothing like these…Read More →

Drinking Vinegar - ©

I’ve been ignoring it, hoping it would just go away and leave us alone. But it shows no signs of going anywhere anytime soon, so I guess I have to comment on it. I’m talking about the recent fad for drinking Vinegar and substituting it for other foods – something I just can’t get my head around.Read More →