It’s official! Taking the advice of celebrities, not to mention other non-scientists and non-physicians, may be bad for your health – and your wallet. A new study from McMaster University suggests that we’re hard-wired to believe the famous, even when we know their claims are unfounded and unsupported by actual evidence.Read More →

Can you guess which popular, common foods will cost a lot more by the end of 2014? Some are foods that already increased sharply in price last year. And some are newcomers to the rapidly growing list of foods that are quickly evolving from staples to luxuries…Read More →

Mighty Wings - © McDonalds Restaurants

Talk about Food Flops of 2013! A recent online blog post on that topic pegged the short-lived McDonalds brainwave, Mighty Wings, as the third worst idea/product on its list. But that may be the least of the fast food giant’s problems with the product that wing lovers failed to flock to…Read More →