The social media world is all a-flutter. It seems Pigs CAN fly! And they’re proving it in the UK – for a limited time, at least. By that, we mean McDonald’s UK has announced the return of its cult-classic McRib sandwich. And the US will be close behind…
The McRib has always had a truly fanatical following among McDonald’s adherents. But never quite enough support to remain on the menu for more than a ‘limited-time’. And historically, it hasn’t re-appeared on any kind of predictable ‘cycle’…
A unique story…
The McRib first appeared on the McMenu back in 1981 following a successful test marketing run the year before. Alas, it was discontinued in 1985, the victim of a unique supply-and-demand situation. It was introduced around the same time the super-popular Chicken McNuggets débuted, because there wasn’t enough chicken available initially to fill that demand.
The boneless pork shoulder patty – shaped to look like a mini rack of ribs – was a hit. But after the chicken producers ramped-up their operations and everybody could finally have McNuggets, McRib’s popularity declined. But there was another facet to the supply chain picture. The price of pork had shot up – due to shortages caused solely by demand for the McRib! And that didn’t do anybody any good…
Then, in 1989, after pork production caught up, McRib returned to the McDonald’s permanent menu. Only to disappear again in 2005. But not in all markets. Did you know McRib has been on the menu in Germany and Luxembourg continually since it was first introduced? They’ve always loved their pork there. And supply has never been a problem for them.
When we land in the turbulent, uncertain post-Millennial Fast Food market and things start to change. Less-than-iconic menu items increasingly find themselves sent back to the minors.
Some are retained only in certain regions because they are beloved those ‘pocket’ markets. Others go on what I’ve dubbed the Limited-Time Offer ‘rotation’, which sees them back for special 6- to 8-week promo runs through-out the year.
But McRib remains an anomaly…
Strategic uncertainty?
For whatever reason(s), McRib fans are starved of their BBQ-flavoured ‘bestie’ for indeterminate intervals. This has traditionally caused periodic petitions among McRib lovers to being it back. The term ‘prayers’ has even been used to describe their fervent expressions of ‘popular demand’.
And when McD’s does decide to acquiesce of the fans’ pleadings, it’s always a big deal.
Like many an iconic rock band, McRib has has multiple retirement tours – always to return for some shorter or longer run again, a few years later. This policy of strategic uncertainty surrounding McRib has served McD’s well since 2005. And always generates tons of positive, free ‘earned media‘ – worth millions if the brand had to pay for it.
‘It’s baaaaaack!’
You can almost hear the fans shouting in the streets. As we said at the top of this post, the McRib is coming back in the UK for another greater or lesser period of time this fall. And it’s been promised that the legendary, almost-mythical menu item will appear in North America, on the same basis, sometime in the coming weeks.
Playing another card from its ‘uncertainty’ deck, McD’s never tells us when McRib will disappear again. Ergo, fans must race out and binge on their beloved sammy ‘while they can’.
And they unfailingly do!
~ Maggie J.