Jokes about Marijuana Brownies and Cookies go back at least as far as the 1960s. Long before that, even as far back as the 19th century, Marijuana Tea was prescribed as a sedative. Now, intrepid culinary types are exploring Weed’s potential as an ingredient on Fine Dining menus…
‘Denver Style’ Marijuana-encrusted Salmon Fillet. The latest high-end (pun intended)
deli treat in Weed-emancipated Colorado…
Marijuana is now legal in several U.S. states and there is growing support in many other quarters for its decriminalization. That’s sparked a renewed interest, among devotees, in alternative means (to smoking the stuff) of ingesting it. One champion of ‘Potted’ Dining insists that Marijuana should be used sparingly, as a garnish or flavouring, not piled on with the intent of getting stoned as efficiently as possible. Another notes that excess Weed lends a bitter, sometimes ‘off’ flavour when used in food concoctions – which is to be avoided at all costs.
Given the long and well-documented history of Marijuana as a food additive, it may be only natural that fad-forward foodies and some of the more adventuresome chefs out there are experimenting with Weed as a culinary ‘style’. Heard about Curry? How about ‘Weedy’? Weedy Chicken. The whole Salad spectrum is up for grabs. Weed Pesto… There’s a thought! And maybe even a Weedy Caesar cocktail?
I know. Those are all totally nutty ideas. But people have done nuttier things with food before…
Novelty factor
Let’s get one thing straight: There is an undeniable link between food and Weed – the munchies. So the partnership is probably destined to thrive and grow as time goes on and opportunities multiply. One mitigating factor: Where Weed is legal it is pretty costly, rivaling Truffles and Saffron among the most expensive ingredients in the global pantry. Hence, my comment, on opening this post, about Fine Dining menus as opposed to Fast Dining…
Clear and present stoners
Nevertheless… Intrepid Colorado diners – living in a state where Marijuana is already legal – can now partake legally of ‘delicacies’ such as Weed-infused Salmon Steaks and Weed-cured Gravlax. Weed-smoked Salmon is a logical next step (no pun intended)… Just a fad or the start of a genuine trend? Or is this just another expression of the plague of menu madness that’s been sweeping the restaurant world over the past couple of years? We’ll see…
~ Maggie J.