Golden Brown Roast Turkey

I know. You’ve been inundated with “Tips for the Perfect Turkey” online, in the papers and on TV for weeks – since before U.S. Thanksgiving. But I’ve yet to see any one such submission that embodies all the points I consider critical to producing the perfect bird.Read More →

McKenna Pope

Just yesterday we told you how New Jersey 13-year-old McKenna Pope had started a petition on to convince Hasbro, maker of the Easy-Bake Oven, to release a gender-neutral version of the iconic “girl” toy.Read More →

Easy-Bake Oven

You’ve almost certainly seen the news story about 13-year-old McKenna Pope and her petition at asking Hasbro, maker of the iconic Easy-Bake Oven, to provide a gender-neutral version of the toy. She says the toy repels boys because it comes only in “girl colours”.Read More →

Running with the Bulls - Pamplona

The current leading theory purporting to explain why people like spicy foods would have us believe that we love to hurt ourselves. Really. But researchers at Pen State University are taking a more positive approach…Read More →

Chicken Stock - on the simmer...

Great sauces grow from great stocks! Whether it’s meat, poultry, fish, or veggie, stock is the aromatic backbone of the the lion’s share of the classic French “Mother” sauces. Stocks also provide the liquid context within which many great soups write their epic flavour stories…Read More →