Tim's China Mug - © Tim Horton's Restaurants

Tim Horton’s Supports More Indigenous People’s Charities

One of Tim Horton’s most-Canadian community give-back programs has been it’s support of indigen-ous peoples’ groups across Canada. And this year, the 4th annual Orange Sprinkles fundraiser is adding two new organizations…

Orange Sprinkle Doughnut - © 2024 Tim Horton's

From it’s beginnings back in 1964, Tim Horton’s has been giving back to the community. It started out sponsoring local kids sports teams and added its famous summer camp programs soon after. Over the years, Tim’s has expand-ed its charitable work to include other causes, not the least of which has been indigenous people…

Wide spectrum support

“On Sept. 30, [2024] 100 per cent of the proceeds from the sales of Orange Sprinkle Donuts will be donated to the Orange Shirt Society, the Indian Resi-dential School Survivors Society, New Pathways Foundation in Quebec, and new this year, the Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund, and Ulnooweg Education Centre,” the official news release says.

Fourth year and counting…

The Tim Horton’s Orange Sprinkle Donut fundraising campaign was developed in 2021 by a group of Indigenous Tim Horton’s restaurant owners, and to date has raised over $3.6 million for Indigenous organizations.

“We’re proud to be launching the Tim Horton’s Orange Sprinkle Donut campaign for a fourth consec-utive year and to be supporting two new additional Indigenous organizations […] so we can create even more impact right across the country,” said Hope Bagozzi, Chief Marketing Officer for Tim Horton’s.

“Last year, we raised more than $1 million through the Tim Hortons Orange Sprinkle Donut fundrais-ing campaign and we’re so thankful for the support from guests and Tims restaurant owners across Canada.”

For more information…

… On the Orange Sprinkle Donut campaign visit: https://www.timhortons.ca/orange-sprinkle-donut .

My take

There are other indigenous fundraising efforts ‘sprinkled’ across Canada. But Tim’s Orange Sprinkle effort stands out as one of the highest-profile and most successful. If you’re a Tim’s fan – and who isn’t? – make yours an Orange Sprinkle sinker September 30!

~ Maggie J.