This is an unprecedented third McDonald’s post in a row here at the FFB. But I just had to. McDonald’s is definitely trying out Kale on its menu, presumably as part of its recent commitment to offer healthier alternatives at its famous Burger joints. We discovered a review by one intrepid California writer…
Have a gander: An array of the new McDonald’s Breakfast Bowls. Two feature Kale
and another showcases Chorizo Sausage. Available at only at 9 selected
Southern California McD’s during an open-ended test marketing stint.
McDonald’s is the last place you’d expect to find Kale, the latest poster child for the healthy foods movement, but there it is, on the menu as part of a selection of new ‘Breakfast Bowls’ at selected California restaurants.
One of those locations is within waking distance of Beverly Hills-based, a lifestyle e-zine. Intrepid editor Josh Scherer treated himself and his fellow staff to a taste of all three Kale breakfasts and filed a review. To sum up: He and his pals thought the Kale selections were pretty goo – although he did express doubts that the quality and size of the Bowls might suffer if and when Kale is rolled out chain-wide.
Among Scherer’s observations:
“It tasted good too. More important, it tasted like—and I don’t mean to insult McDonald’s previous breakfast attempts—real food. You could tell that somebody behind the counter was cooking with raw ingredients, which is notably absent in, say, a McGriddle or a McNugget, or most other items preceded by “Mc’.”
Another notable note:
“Judging by the nutrition specs, the bowl seems pretty healthy too. It has 240 calories, 26 grams of protein, and only six grams of carbs. One potential downside—and this was evident in the taste—is the 810 milligrams of sodium, which accounts for more than a third of your daily recommended intake.”
Anyway… The Kale Breakfast Bowls were a big hit at the McDonald’s outlet in up-scale Santa Monica, CA. where Scherer ate. But don’t get your hopes up about sampling Kale at McD’s anytome soon. It might take some time for McDonald’s to decide whether it will make Kale a permanent addition to its menu. And, even of it does, it might take months or years to get the dishes into ‘production’…
~ Maggie J.