McDonald’s is responding to calls from customers and activists to rid its menu of some questionable ingredients. It’s the Burger giant’s latest volley in a marketing war with its main competitors over whose food is the most acceptable to mainstream convenience consumers…
Even if you remove high-fructose Corn Syrup from McDonald’s Burger Buns,
there’s still a lot of stuff in there I have trouble pronouncing…
McDonald’s is making a number of changes, the most prominent of which are banning artificial preservatives from many menu items and replacing high-fructose Corn Syrup in its buns with a less-objectionable sweetener. Dietary experts say getting rid of Corn Syrup won’t make McDonald’s Burger Buns more healthy overall. Nevertheless, the move will please many who vilify ingredients like high-fructose Corn Syrup as artificial and unhealthy.
Some background…
McDonald’s has been slowly losing market share to its smaller competitors over the past few years as chains like Burger King have moved to upgrade their menus and make its selections healthier. Even non-Burger chains have made inroads into the overall fast-food market by trumpeting healthier menus. Even Subway and Dunkin Donuts have gotten into the act.
McDonald’s rolled out all-day Egg McMuffins earlier this hear to great applause from folks who’ve been asking for better access to the breakfast staple. But business insiders say the wave of joy among diners over that innovation has probably already subsided. Likewise, the early expressions of approval over McDonald’s including Kale in their salads. McD’s has even completed its mega-project to rid its chicken of antibiotics ahead of schedule. Alas… Sales are pretty much back where they started from.
The bottom line…
There’s too much noise out there in the marketing and promotion universe about too many initiatives by too many players to make pushing a coherent message to consumers nearly impossible. Even the most noble and meaningful achievements in menu evolution and ingredient elevation are lost in a sea of noise. So, what’s a fast-food giant to do?
We’ll keep our eyes and ears open…
~ Maggie J.