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Foods That Can Help You Quit Smoking

Sister Erin found the post that triggered today’s topic while Googling for something else. But she stayed on this one a while. She told me she wishes she had known about foods that can help you quit smoking when she quit cold-turkey 12 years ago…

Run on Beach - © irun.caYou’ll be ready for a brisk run on the beach if you use these foods to help you quit smoking!

Erin quit after decades of puffing away on tobacco products – and it wasn’t easy. Only her iron resolve not to die ‘young’ from cardio-pulmonary ruin kept her on the straight and narrow. So, I can see how much she would have appreciated the post I’m creating today…

As are many of these list posts, its headlined as a ‘Top 5’ rundown of ‘the best of the best’. But I was sure there were plenty more foods you could lean on to strengthen your resolve. So, I looked further afield for more…

A comprehensive compendium


Nicotine retailing expert, Markus Lindblad from UK food delivery service Haypp, swears by cheese to fight tobacco cravings. His rationale is that any dairy product eaten before smoking makes the smoke taste bad.

Milk concurs with Lindbald: “A study in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research, asked a group of 209 smokers which foods interact with the taste of cigarettes to make them more or less palatable. At the top of the list of foods that make cigarettes taste worse: dairy products.”

Ginseng Tea

A Huffpost article reposted by Yahoo!Health notes: “Ginseng is an earthy, warming tea from Korea mostly known for its energy-boosting properties but it can also reduce the effect that nicotine has on the body. Lindblad says this is a ‘mus’ when it comes to reducing smoking intake, as the less effect that nicotine has on your body, the less appealing smoking a cigarette will be.”


Wasn’t this one of the top anti-insomnia foods. too? Yep. “If you need to put something in your mouth to fend off the urge to smoke, try air-popped popcorn,” suggests Tobacco Free Life. “Not only will this low-calorie snack help you quit smoking by keeping your hands and mouth busy, it will also satisfy a salty craving and can help you feel full.”

Cinnamon Sticks

I was wondering about this one… But as Lindbald insists: “The immediate spicy kick from cinnamon sticks reduces cravings straight away and physically holding the stick will help psychologically when it comes to kicking the habit.”

Fruits and Veggies

All the sources we consulted recommended eating more fruits and veggies, as snacks. A study reported in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research demonstrated that, when you’re quitting, it’s a good idea to pile on the produce on.” Just having  carrot or a wax bean in your hand can help. “When the researchers analyzed 1,000 smokers, they found that those who ate the most fruits and vegetables were three times more likely to have stayed smoke-free for at least the past 30 days than those who ate the least.”

Sugar-free Gum and Mints

This one should be no-brainer. Keeps your mouth occupied and, like other suggested foods in this list, makes tobacco taste rotten. Cautions Lindbald: “Note that sugar-free is essential, as sugar is actually known for enhancing the taste of cigarettes!”

My take

I’ve never smoked. In fact I developed an intense sensitivity to tobacco smoke when I was about 5. I was at a particularly Christmas party at the home of a fried of my Dad. ALL the adults were smoking. The air was so thick you could probably have walked on it. I began coughing wrackingly, uncontrollably and fled to the basement where I was able to recover by the time my folks called it a night. So, I credit trauma with keeping me off the tobacco treadmill. I’ve met others who had the same experience..

But for those who are addicted to the stuff… I hope the foods I’ve presented today for your consideration help you quit!

~ Maggie J.