We’ve all heard the recent – and plentiful – reports about how good Sweet Potatoes are for us. But many I’ve talked to have balked at trying them, because they once had some bland, boiled, mushy, stringy ones at Aunt Gertrude’s one Thanksgiving. But just wait til you try mine!
One of the best and easiest ways I know to show off the goodness of Sweet Potatoes is as baked in wedges.
Peel and rinse two medium Sweet Potatoes, then slice them in sticks or wedges about 1/2 in. thick. Bpoil or steam the pieces until they are par-cooked – not quite fork tender – and then drain and plunge them into cold water (ice water preferred) to halt cooking, for now.
When supper is about ten minutes away, place the wedges on a cookie sheet, brush lightly with melted butter or olive oil, ans sprinkle lightly with Salt, Pepper and Brown Sugar. Place under the broiler for about five minutes – until the wedges start to turn a nice golden brown at the tips and the Sugar has melted – and serve hot.
You can also try other Sugars – such as Honey, Maple Syrup or even a touch of Molasses – and spices such as Allspice, Cinnamon, Ginger or Cloves. Use your imagination! And enjoy your Sweet Potatoes!
~ Maggie J.