Apple is coming out soon with a line of totally-revamped laptops. It’s also flirting with the (US)$1,000 threshold for the price of its next super phone. And, now, it’s attacking the age-old problem of soggy delivery Pizza. The tech company has actually patented a new-design box…
Official Patent Diagram of the Apple Pizza Box. If a commercial Pizza chain did want to
license it, Apple would probably charge licensing fees that would make the deal
economically unfeasible. That’s just the way Apple is…
The new Pizza box was invented by the head of the company’s Food Service operation at its new Silicon Valley headquarters. Francesco Longoni wanted to address employees’ requests for a Pizza take-out box that would keep the crust crisp and fresh on the trip from the cafeteria back to their desk. Apparently, the personal Pizzas they serve up at Apple are a real hit and a lot of them go back to desks for consumption.
The secret is in the draft…
The secret of the new box design is a series of ventilation holes in the top and bottom that let steam escape rather than condensing inside the container and soggying the Pie. The box, itself appears to be made of either styrofoam or bleached-white fibre material. It’s hard to tell from the photos that have escaped the Apple Campus. The box, overall, is round rather than square or octagonal, like most commercial Pizza boxes, and it’s thought that the shape helps create an upward air flow that keeps the internal environment dry.
But I wonder how this ‘blow drying’ effects the Pizza? I hope the Apple employees who are getting their Pies in the innovative containers don’t work too far from the kitchen. I fear their lunches will be cold by the time they get back to their desks!
My bottom line…
Apple will probably have this invention to itself for a long, long time. I can’t remember the last time I got a soggy delivery Pizza at my door, and they had to travel a lot farther to reach me than the distance from Apple’s kitchen to the average employee desk. No wonder Apple charges so much for their products.They have frivolous appurtenances like custom, scientific Pizza boxes for their employees that they have to pay for!
~ Maggie J.