Fried Egg - ©

Unsuspected Benefits From Eating Eggs Every Day!

Even up into the 2000s, many folks religiously avoided eggs. They were thought to be cholesterol ‘bombs’. Each one a potential ticket to a heart attack. But lately, eggs have been ‘rehabilitated’. And they provide some surprising benefits!

Mountain of Eggs - ©

One a day is okay!

Even two a day, for most adults. That’s the new conventional wisdom in the medical and nutritional spheres re.- eggs. And there are good reasons for this apparent about-face…

What we know NOW

No cholesterol danger

It turns out that dietary cholesterol intake does not correlate at all with blood, or serum cholesterol levels. Science how firmly holds the opinion that your system cholesterol problem is a matter determined by genetics and your metabolism.

High in saturated fats?

Yes, but other, positive factors more than counterbalance that risk.

A nutritional powerhouse

Eggs are full of good things. Not the least of which is protein (6 g per 55 g / 2 oz. ‘large’ egg), more than 20 vitamins, and 11 essential minerals. On top of that, they’re low in sugar and relatively low in sodium. And for all the criticism they attract over fat content, each one delivers only 5 g of total fat.

Cheap and plentiful

Eggs are among the most widely available high-protein foods. And they’re by far the cheapest. Today, here in Canada’s Capital, your basic Grade A Large cacklefruit is selling for just (C)$0.32. In the US, at Walmart, it’s going for under (US)$0.25 apiece.

Unsuspected benefits


You can feel fuller, and fully fueled after eating just one egg than you can after a big bowl of cereal or a double order of toast. It’s the protein. And the whole complex of nutrients an egg supplies can help you make to lunch without feeling tired.


You’ll be ready to roar if you have an egg or two for breakfast. Eggs have just the right mix of nutrients, including readily burnable carbs, to get you going and keep you going.

Brain boosting

Eggs are rich in choline, a substance critical for brain function and development. According to a recent study published in Neurobiology of Memory and Learning, participants who consumed 2 eggs a day for 4 weeks showed significant improvements in memory and concentration abilities.

Vision preserving

Eggs also contain powerful antioxidants that are crucial to maintaining eye health. According to a study reported in Archives of Opthalmology, subjects who regularly consumed two eggs a day reduced their risk of developing age-related macular degeneration by up to 44 percent.

Bone bolstering

Just one egg provides 6 percent of your daily recommended allotment of vitamin D. Along with the magnesium, calcium, iron and phosphorus you get from that egg, you have a powerful recipe for bone maintenance, on into the osteoporosis years.

Heart supporting puts it succinctly: “Eggs are also a great source of heart-healthy nutrients like potassium, folate and B vitamins. Some research suggests that up to two eggs per day actually improves heart health.”

My take

I’ve been eating 2 eggs for breakfast 5 days a week for some time, now. Since I first learned of the potential benefits. And managed to let go of my former, long-held prejudices against eggs.

I feel great. The doctor says my periodic blood work looks better than ever. No down side. At least not thus far. But I’m always monitoring my overall wellness profile.

So… I can enthusiastically endorse eating one or two eggs a day as a healthy routine. Unless and until some down side shows up. I’ll let you know, if and when…

~ Maggie J.

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