Tilapia - The Face of Fish to Come! - © tilapiarecipe org

The Future of Seafood? — On the Half-shell!

We mentioned, in a previous post, that some futurists predict seaweed and plankton and lesser types of fish and shelled creatures may make up an increasing proportion of our diets in the not-so-distant future. Now, some proponents of farmed fruits de mer have gone so far as to create a future seafood ‘pyramid’…

The Seafood Pyramid small- © 2014 Business Insider

As the pyramid suggests, familiar species ;like Salmon and Tuna are becoming
not only more expensive but less available. Other types of seafood are,
progressively, less expensive and more available.
(Click on image above for larger version.)

Among the changes we are told to expect in a recent interview by fishing industry expert Paul Greenberg, is a move towards fish species that are less carnivorous and more herbivorous. That means, less Tuna and Salmon and more Tilapia, Carp and Catfish. The latter species are already consumed in great numbers and with relish by folks of other cultures – notably Africans and Asians. Tilapia, in fact, is already making inroads on our restauranmt menus and at our seafood counters.

At the other end of the pyramid, Greenberg says we should be moving from fish of any kind toward shellfish and seaweeds, which not only can be farmed more economically than fish but filter the water in which they live as they grow.

I personally like Mussels, Clams and Oysters. Seaweed, not so much – unless it’s Nori, wrapped around a nice Sushi roll.

What’s your take?

~ Maggie J.