July has to be near the top of the list of months as rated for their number of food tribute days. You could probably manage to celebrate them all. But you’d have take the whole month off and make it a full-time job. On top of that, July is the national month for half a dozen food-related topics…
National Picking Blueberries Day is on July 10th…
Foodimentary advises that July is:
- National Baked Bean Month
- National Culinary Arts Month
- National Hot Dog Month
- National Ice Cream Month
- National Picnic Month, and…
- National Pickle Month
I guess you could plan a party around that, but I’m not sure you could conjure up a coherent menu…
Something for everyone
So plentiful are food tribute days in July that 11 of its 31 dates are shared between two or more topics. And as you might expect, there is a definite majority of summery ones…
- How about both National Barbecue Day. Caesar Salad Day on the 4th? You might expect National Hot Dog Day to be on the 4th, too. But it doesn’t come up until the 23rd.
- National Strawberry Sundae Day falls on the 7th (kind of like desert following the 4th).
- July 10th marks both National Piña Colada Day.
- National Mojito Day follows right behind on the 11th.
- National Pecan Pie Day is on the 12th and French Fry Day is on the 13th.
- National Ice Cream Day and Corn Fritter Day fall together on the 16th.
- Yes, there is a National Junk Food Day, and it’s celebrated on July 21st.
- The end of the month gets boozy again with National Tequila Day on the 24th and Scotch Day on the 27th.
- Then there’s even more junk food, with National Hamburger Day on the 28th, and Chicken Wing Day on the 29th.
Some cute and oddball days
- We start off with National Gingersnap Day on the 1st.
- National Pick Blueberries Day comes on July 10th.
- Believe it or not, National Gummy Worm Day is on the 15th.
- Amid all the summer seasonal stuff, National Caviar Day falls on the 18th.
- National Lollypop Day is on the 20th.
- National Penuche Day comes up on the 22nd. (Penuche is a uniquly-flavoured, light-textured fudge.)
- Everybody stops (at a bakery, food truck or cart) at least once on July 26th, for National Bagelfest.
- And who’d have thought there would be such as thing as National Cotton Candy Day (July 31st)? *
About that party…
Any of the national food tribute days we’ve just enumerated would be acceptable as the excuse for a theme party! And summer being the big season for outdoor festivities, may I suggest you not waste even one good-weather opportunity? Party hearty through the dog days!
~ Maggie J.
* Okay. I can almost hear all the keyboards clattering out there, as Cotton Candy fans crash out comments complaining that Cotton Candy Day is officially on December 7th. But that’s also Pearl Harbour Day, and a date not to celebrated, but as FDR said, a date “that will live in the annals of infamy!’ Better to mark CC Day in the summer, Spun Sugar’s natural season…