You have to give three thumbs up to the bar owners who really step up and get behind anti-drunk-driving programs. One such establishment in Toronto, Canada, has made an above-and-beyond effort, emblazoning its coasters with the message and making those coasters with a very special material…
More bars and restos should embrace these coasters and the message they carry…
The Emmet Ray whiskey bar in Toronto reminds its patrons to drive responsibly, through drink coasters made of cars involved in drunk driving accidents. That’s right. The steel coasters are made from recycled cars that ‘never made it home’. The coasters also carry the Arrive Alive website address. And that about says it all.
Pained bright red and yellow, ‘natural’ dull silver and ominous black, the coasters say, “This coaster used to be a car. One that never made it home.”
What a great idea! I’d love to see more bars and restaurants use these coasters. Constant reminders to patron s might just help the anti-drunk-driving message sink in!
~ Maggie J.