Okay… The reason I’m posting about this is that FINALLY somebody else has come out in support of one of my favourite ways to hydrate. Although the new video on BuzzLink goes somewhat farther than I do with my heretofore secret recipe for Refreshing Fortified Water, the basic idea is the same.
The new Summer Refresher: Fortified Water! No Sugar and lots of Citrus Zing!
My simplified recipe for what I c0onside the ultimate Refresher is simply this: A jugful of Filtered Tap Water or Bottled Mineral Water (either still or carbonated) with 2 Tablespoons of Lime Juice (or the juice of one whole Fresh Lime) per 500 ml Water. Refrigerate for an hour or two until the beverage is as cold as your fridge can get it. There’s nothing else quite the same after any kind of activity under the hot Sun!
About the BuzzFeed recipe:
I really think Lime is the way to go, not Lemon. But maybe that’s just me…
I guess you could go that way – especially with the addition of the Mint Leaves – but I don’t think it’s necessary.
Instead of Mint Leaves, I’d try Fresh Cilantro – make the beverage even more Asian and exotic.
The Cucumber might be more profitably used in a nice Greek Tzatziki Sauce Dip or Salad Dressing.
I’m glad of two things above all about this Water ‘recipe’: First, someone agrees with me about straight Citrus Water and, second, that they agree that there’s no need for added sugar!
I hope you’ll try either my recipe or the BuzzFeed recipe for Fortified Water this summer. And find out how refreshing a Fruit ‘Ade’ without Sugar can be!
~ Maggie J.