There’s so much activity on the Food newswires these days it’s hard to keep up. And, at the same time, offer you real, human insights into recipes and menu suggestions. Today, we’re going to dish up a couple of the tastiest Current Food Info nuggets…
Smile Break: Bear steals food delivery
Shades of Yogi and Boo-Boo…
Laidy Gutierrez and Daniel Bula of the Orlando, Fla., area were all set to enjoy a Tex-Mex feast when a Florida Black Bear sauntered across their front lawn and up their walkway. It went straight to the doorstep, picked up a food delivery bag containing $45 worth of Taco Bell comestibles, and sauntered back the way it had come.
“He came, and he grabbed the food – then he came again for the soda,” their neice, Nicole Castro, said. She uploaded the vid to YouTube.
‘It’s [gone] viral,” Gutierrez reported. She added she will no longer be getting fast food delivered to the front porch.
FOX News followed up: “Uber Eats […] issued a refund for the food. Fox News Digital reached out to learn the company’s policies for protecting drivers from wild animals but did not immediately hear back.”
Gutierrez confirmed that bear sightings are ‘not unusual’ in their neck of the woods…
Salt Alert: Now linked with Type 2 Diabetes, too
It was bad enough that excess Salt has been implicated as the ringleader among the causes of cardiovascular disease. Now, Salt is being named as a prime culprit in the development of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). Extending the ‘crime boss’ metaphor, it’s like a cocaine dealer branching out into heroine.
More than 402,000 subjects who donated their personal health data to the UK National Health Service (NHS) BioBank Project were included in the study. They had been followed up, recording their health stats, for as more than 35 years. They were all were free of diabetes, chronic kidney disease, cancer, or cardiovascular disease at the outset of data collection.
What they did
Researchers wanted to see if there was a connection between salt intake and Type 2 Diabetes in those who developed the disease over the follow-up data collection period. The study consisted of a massive data-mining program.
What they found
“Our study indicates that a higher frequency of adding salt to foods is significantly associated with a higher risk of T2D,” the study report’s concludes. “These findings provide support that reduction of adding salt to foods may act as a potential behavioral intervention approach for preventing T2D. Future clinical trials are needed to further validate our findings.
Among the specific observations garnered from the data mining process was a pattern that showed folks with a preference for more salt were more likely to develop T2D.
Men were significantly more affected then women when they added salt ‘usually’ or ‘always’. Those who followed a Mediterranean/DASH type diet were least at risk of developing T2D.
The takeaway
It’s well worth considering a change in your salting habits if you’re near or in middle age, and you frequently add salt to foods at the table. The researchers say theirs is the first study of its type. And more such studies, in different populations, are needed to confirm their findings.
Ciao for now…
I hope these nuggets were [intellectually and emotionally] satisfying!
~ Maggie J.