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Phoenix Suns Slash Prices On Concession Basics!

For many years, I’ve posted about new menu developments – and soaring prices – at pro sports sta-diums and arenas across the US. Now, one team has taken note. The Phoenix Suns have slashed prices on concession basics…

Suns Value Menu - © 2024 Phoenix Suns

The Suns’ owner, Mat Ishbia, has spok-en. And it’s literally an edict from upon high. He’s announced proudly that his club’s is now the most affordable pro sports venue in the country…


Some regular concession owners may feel badly ‘Sun-burned’ by the move. But Ishbia says it’s essential to ensure that families can afford to attend games together.

Winning starts with our fans,” Ishbia asserts. “When I walk the concourse at games there aren’t food options for families who don’t want to spend a lot of money. That needs to change, so today we’re rolling out our $2 value menu for all home @Suns games.”

Word from The Street…

The Street is a leading online source for lifestyle and ‘personal sustainability’ info. It’s intrepid re-porters uncovered some uncomfortable realities…

“Would you spend $728 on a single night out for a family of four?” they ask. “That’s about the cost to attend an L.A. Lakers game — including the cheapest available tickets, parking, four hot dogs, two beers, and two sodas. They’re the most expensive team for fans.”

By way of comparison, “You could take a day trip to Disneyland with two kids under age 10 for less.” And Disney upped their prices (again) this year.

But the bottom  line is: “The average cost for a family of four to attend an NBA game is about $320, […] including tickets and the extras.”

My take

I have a notion that what Ishbia really saw when he walked the concourse was a whole raft of empty seats. And some quick consultation revealed those tickets weren’t selling because it was simply too expensive for family groups to attend the Sun’s home games. Rather than lowering ticket prices, Ishbia proclaimed a cut in team-controlled concessions’ menu prices. Shrewd business decision…

Now… Let’s see how long it takes for Mat’s idea to spread to other pro sports venues across the land, and across the pro Sports spectrum..

~ Maggie J.