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New Lunchly Meal Packs: Really Better Than Lunchables?

Remember, last year, when Consumer Reports raked kid’s ‘lunch packs’ over the coals for unhealthy ingredients? Now, a trio of online foodie influencers have banded together to offer ‘better’ kids’ lunch packs. But how much better are they?

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Mr. Beast, vlogger Logan Paul, and Brit boxer KSI have partnered to create an extensive new line of ‘better’ kids lunch packs…

A High Bar

“The trio aims to offer a grab-and-go option that’s not only convenient but also nutritious,” the ‘official announcement on Beast’s FoodBeast platform advises.

The Lunchly brand is launching with three kid-friendly choices: Turkey Stack ‘Ems, Pizza, and Fiesta Nachos. Each combo will include a Prime beverage and a Feastables chocolate bar, combining the partners’ successful brands into ‘one power-packed meal’.

A game changer?

“LUNCHLY is changing the grab-and-go game with an innovative approach that prioritizes quality ingredients and delicious flavors.” the brand’s website proclaims.

“We’re here to fuel your fun from the lunchroom[.] Driven by our commitment to great quality and taste, we’re confident there’s no better value on the market. Remember, leave no crumbs =).”

By the numbers

Nutrition Facts - © 2024 LunchablesThe LUNCHLY crew isn’t afraid to stack itself up against the compe-tition. In fact, their website include s whole page dedicated to a head-to-head comparison of their three inaugural offerings against comparable Lunchables. The numbers don’t lie. The LUNCHLY boxes are all more healthy, on paper.

But even the healthiest-sounding Turkey Stack Em’s list the following on their Nutrition Facts panel:

  • Fat: 12 g / 30 percent of the total daily recommended value (DRV)
  • Sodium: 480 mg / 21 percent DRV
  • Sugar: 22 g / 8 percent DRV (includes 6 g added sugars)

For my money, that’s a lot of salt. And any amount of added sugar is too much. Not to mention almost 1/3 of your daily recommended maximum of saturated fat makes for a heavy lunch.

Aside from the raw numbers, I have to point out that the main ‘food’ ingredients – salty crackers, turkey luncheon meat and what appears to be American (processed) cheese – are all ultra-processed foods.

My take

It’s up to those of you who are parents who pack their kids’ lunches to decide how ‘healthy’ the LUNCHLY products are. I can think of a lot of much healthier stuff to put in a kid’s lunch – investing just a little extra thought and effort.

~ Maggie J.