Everything about this hearty dip is beautiful… The colour, the texture and the unique flavour. Most of all, you’ll love how healthy it is! Or maybe you’ll secretly revel in how easy it is to make – and amaze your family and friends!
Green Pea Dip: You family and friends will assume you’re serving Guacamole –
until they taste the exotic difference! Shown here as in the original recipe,
topped with a burrata cheese. But I definitely prefer it with less-
expensive Greek yogurt or sour cream on the side…
At first glance, your family and guests may assume you’re serving Guacamole. It’s something quite different! But it’s every bit as tasty and creamy and exotique as Guac!
5 minutes tops…
… Or even less, if you don’t count the minimal time it takes to gather the ingredients on your counter top. Everything about this hearty, more-ish concoction is super simple and healthy. If you don’t count the recommended toppings and garnishes…
What you need
- 9 oz. / 255 g cooked peas, drained
- 10 fresh basil leaves (more or less)
- 3 tbsp. / 45 ml olive oil
- juice of 1/2 lemon
- 1.5 oz. / 35 g almonds or cashews
- pepper
- 3 tbsp. / 45 ml Parmesan (grated)
- 1 burrata cheese
- Orange zests
- Lemon zests
- toasted almond flakes or ground roasted cashews
- Olive oil
- Salt
- Pepper
- Basil leaves (just a couple, for garnish)
Follow the instructions at Petit Chef.com, and serve warm, cold or at room temperature.
Think of this stuff as green Hummus. And dip accordingly. The recipe calls for bread. but you’ll want to segue immediately to Pita, flour tortillas or regular (unflavoured) white corn chips.
Don’t over-process. As with hummus, you’ll want a slightly grainy texture and a very thick consistency for optimum dipping.
Hold the burrata. It’s pricey, hard to find and a bit messy. Have Greek yogurt or sour cream on hand, on the side, for companion-dipping.
The lemon and orange zests are optional as garnishes. But the lemon juice in the main dip recipe is essential!
My take
I’ll be the first to admit that it takes a lot to impress me with a dip. And my tastes run toward the exo-tique. But simple. Classic, you might say. Culturally authentic. Like Hummus, Guacamole or Pico de Gallo. Or really good Marinara.
But today’s simple green pea dip checks all my boxes. I think that’s because, with its Hummus-like overall character, pea base, fresh bazil, lemon juice, olive oil and nuts, it screams Middle East x Greek!
~ Maggie J.