Here we are, on Christmas Eve in the year of COVID-19, with another year of uncertainty and suffering ahead of us. Only those 100 years or old or older have experienced anything like this before. But I say it’s time to take stock and give thanks for what we have and for the fact that we have – so far, at least – survived…
Whether it’s the perfect Pumpkin Pie or Grandma’s favourite Cranberry Relish
(see photo, top of page), have at least one special family dish on
your table to really capture the feeling of the day…
A smaller celebration
As I noted at Thanksgiving, we’re all planning and providing for smaller Holiday celebrations this year. That’s just a fact of life under the renewed COVID-19 lock-down mandates just declared after a fall of ‘gradual’ and phased’ economic reopening attempts. But I also suggested some ways you can adapt to the new, unprecedented situation.
I hasten to repost for you this link suggesting the ways a smaller celebration can be a blessing, especially if you’re already worn thin physically and emotionally by the COVID isolation routine.
Some additional links give you detailed answers to some of the all-time most asked Holiday Feast kitchen questions in my repertoire including: Secrets to Perfect Gravy, Secrets to the Perfect Turkey, Secrets to my Best Turkey Stuffing, and Secrets to my Best Ever Pumpkin Pie.
Something completely new
I’ve suggested setting up ‘watching parties’, using applications like ZOOM that let you share your video chat screen with family and friends while you all watch the same sports event or streaming program on regular TV. But here’s a better way to share your Holiday Feast (no matter how large or small).
Simply called WatchParty, this app/service lets you set up a ‘Watch Room’ online in which you can enjoy streaming programming and other stuff with a group you invite, all on the same device, on the same screen. There are 5 ways to share. Everything is ‘in synch’, and you can enable simultaneous chat or video chat. No registration or downloads are required. About the only drawback I can see is, you can only share pre-recorded/produced streaming material like movies or past sporting events from on-demand services. But it’s as easy as 4 clicks to set up and will certainly make your little dining room or living room seem bigger!
If you roll the other way
If you prefer a private, hermit-like Christmas, check out this recent post to review some suggestions. Just add a pair of big fizzy socks, a well-stuffed comforter, well-connected TV and Internet services and a reallly well-stocked fridge and pantry…
Whatever you want out of your Christmas this year, I do hope you can find a way to get it. We all deserve something special, comforting and familiar to help reassure us that this time of adversity will pass…
~ Maggie J.