Apple Pie - © CandleScience.comj

Bonus Post: America’s Favourite Pie Is No Surprise…

I first saw this post on National Pie Day, January 23. But I thought it could keep, for a while. It’s a 2024 rundown of the favourite dessert pies across America. I wasn’t surprised at which one was the runaway leader. And I don’t think you will be either…

America's Fave Pies - © 2024 - Holiday Calendar

Holiday Calendar, a top reference of official (and unofficial) holidays across the globe, has issued a year-starter as a promo for its service. And what better occasion than National Pie Day (January 23)?

HC commissioned a survey of American pie sales and came up with a result that was in some ways startling, but in others, no surprise.

What they found

One glance at the infographic above tells the lopsided tale. “Apple Pie took the crown in a landslide and captured the top spot in 43 states, with Maine as the ultimate apple pie lover destination.” the survey report confirms. “Pumpkin Pie only led in six states, while pecan was the favorite in just two.”

The Top 5 rundown

  1. Apple pie
  2. Pumpkin pie
  3. Pecan pie
  4. Key lime pie
  5. Sweet Potato pie

Yes, I’ll accept that Sweet Potato Pie is considered a dessert dish, or at least a dual-duty confection, especially in parts of the US South.

Your fave not there?

It’s entirely possible that the Holiday Calendar pie survey failed to acknowledge you personal favourite. There are literally thousands of different kinds of pies out there, many favoured in various regions of the US, that wouldn’t have have made the overall faves rankings. I wonder what the results would show if they tabulated the returns on an individual, state-by-state basis?


There you have it. And don’t be bullied by the mass preferences expressed above. Only you know what the real best pie in the world is…

Have another slice!

~ Maggie J.