Happy Dog - © Gather Cowork Space

‘Exercise You Can Relate To’ Can Reduce Cholesterol

I have to give myself a pat on the back for this one. I predicted it ages ago, and still stand by it as a cornerstone of good health. Especially in older age. A new study confirms that light physical activity can help reverse high cholesterol in adulthood…

Girl Walking Dog - © theladders.com

What they did

Researchers at the University of Exeter (UK) wanted to test a theory about control of excess cholesterol in adulthood through exercise.

According to an abstract of the study report, they leveraged used data from the University of Bristol Children of the 90s study (also known as the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children), which included 792 children aged 11 years who were followed up until the age of 24.

What they found

Surprisingly, to researchers, they discovered that, “…accumulated sedentary time from childhood can increase cholesterol levels by two thirds (67 percent) by the time someone reaches their mid-twenties.”

This extreme condition can lead to development of heart problems in the mid-20s, and death from cardiopulmonary causes as early as the 40s.

The good news is, “This new study and other recent studies have found light physical activity is up to five times more effective than moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at promoting healthy hearts.” Light physical activity’ includes exercises such as long walks, house chores, or slow dancing, swimming, or cycling.

The takeaway

Simply this: Get out there and take a walk. Or indulge in any other casual, every-day activity that strikes your fancy. Start in your 20s for best results. But go ahead and start whatever your age, to improve your chances of beating the cardiopulmonary odds.

My take

Time, now, to saw my favourite old log, and promote what I think is the best of all ‘light physical activities’. Get a dog, and walk her twice a day!

Y0u’ll  make yourself healthier and happier. Multiple studies have shown that folks who add dogs to their families live longer and happier lives. Just petting a dog can lower your heart rate and release endorphins – the happy hormones.

But you’ll also help our overcrowded animal shelters find a home for another stray or abandoned dog. And that’s one less than might otherwise be euthanized down the road.

Yes! Not only can you be a hero; you can also be a healthier one!

~ Maggie J.