Pure Canadian Maple Syrup

You thought this spring was a little weird, weather-wise? Well, Quebec Maple Syrup Producers think it was just dandy, thank you. They’re reporting a record harvest. While I congratulate them on their productivity, I still have some major bones to pick about their marketing and business practices…Read More →

Chicken Big Mac - © 2017 McDonalds

This week, our Fast Food Industry News Roundup waxes political with blurbs from Burger King and Ben & Gerry. We’ve got Burger news from McDonald’s and some just-for-fun launches from the Cookie and Fried Chicken spheres. Plus the confessions of some unhappy Starbucks employees…Read More →

Simple, delicious Fried Rice - Detail - © life.rayli.com.cn

This versatile dish is a great way to use up leftover Meat or Seafood. In fact it can be the basis of an amazing panorama of dishes reflecting different Asian flavours and traditions. And, if you let your imagination soar, you can invent your own ‘Fried Rice’ treatment for almost any Western dish…Read More →