Happy Beer Glasses - © via Pintrest

This is not intended as the inauguration of a new regular series, just a catch-up in recent news about the healthfulness, or unhealthfulness of Alcohol. We share the findings of three recent studies that, surprisingly, tell us a lot of things we already knew. Enter, Doctor Obvious…Read More →

Tim's Coffee Mug - © Tim Horton's

It’s been a tough few of years for Tim Horton’s, after being taken over by Restaurant Brands International (RBI). Sales have dropped, its popularity has tanked and its image has suffered under the ongoing rebellion by unhappy franchisees. Now, Head Office has launched a desperate recovery program…Read More →

Romaine Lettuce - © menuitaliano.com

We all know that folks in the western world – where food is relatively plentiful – tend to waste a lot of food. But I wonder if the current movement toward consolidating food production on mega and factory farms is also contributing to the food waste problem. Last week produced two object lessons…Read More →

Sugary Soda - © mejorconsalud.com

We’ve all seen the commercials featuring Captain Obvious, the spokes-character for hotels.com. Now, I’ve discovered there’s an equivalent sage in the food science arena who collects research studies that prove what we already knew. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Doctor Obvious…Read More →