Triple Bypass Burger from the Heart Attack Grill - ©

Listen closely: Fat is Good for You! Really!

You may remember the post, back a few months ago, in which I reported that doctors have finally come around and admitted that Butter is good for you. Well, now the ultimate health authorities have broken down and admitted that Fat in general is fundamentally good for you, too!

Triple Bypass Burger from the Heart Attack Grill - © heartattackgrill.comThe (in)famous Triple Bypass Burger, from the equally (in)famous Heart Attack Grill
in Las Vegas, NV. Maybe not the best way to get your daily 30 g of fat…

— The proviso is that you eat the right kind of fat, along with ‘bad’ fats in moderation.

You’ll be amazed…

An article in the latest issue of Cosmopolitan magazine (not on the website at the time this was written, but check anytime), by food writer Elizabeth Nairns, recommends eating more fat as a ‘cure’ for a wide range of things that might be ailing you – if you have been cutting your fat intake to the proverbial bone. Women, she says, are especially prone to fat-deficit conditions such as:

  • You feel hungry, even after you’ve eaten a big meal
  • Your skin seems dry, dull, flaky – or just looks old
  • Ladies… Your Aunty Flo is M.I.A.
  • You have trouble focusing or concentrating on the task at hand
  • You are anxious and maybe a little depressed – and can’t figure out why
  • You suffer from sensory overload at loud, crowded clubs or busy shopping malls
  • You collapse after just 20 minutes of exercise, even though you are basically fit
  • Your memory is getting bad

Nairns suggests that these sorts of issues may respond to a good dose of healthy fats, especially those high in Omega 3 compounds.

Bottom line…

The average adult (who gets only a minimum of physical exercise every day) should look at getting at least 5-6 teaspoons (2 tablespoons / 30 g) of fat each day to ensure good health. If you eat a lot of salad dressings (creamy or vinaigrette) or a lot of deep-fried foods, you’ll have no trouble meeting that goal. On the other hand, you might be surprised to discover how little fat you get in one serving of a dish that serves 4 or 6 that’s prepared in a tablespoon or more of oil or butter. Do the math!

~ Maggie J.