McDonalds Fries Sleeve - ©

COVID-19 Lock Down Cooking Fun: Celebrate French Fry Day!

After a week when one of the ‘soft’ political headlines across the world’s media concerned a a hilarious, record-breaking string of false and misleading statements in a single tweet from U.S. President Donald Trump, we hesitate to make a big deal about the term ‘French Fries’, but…

Gilroy Garlic Fries - Portrait - © 2016 McDonald'sSimple Fries Elegance: Garlic and Parsley Fries with Ketchup on the side
for dipping. Think of this as your taking-off place for a fun
and satisfying celebration of French Fry Day 2020…

Yeah, well… Sorry. But what the world knows today as ‘French Fries’ are generally accepted to have been invented in Belgium (though many countries have their own national versions of the beloved Potato treat). But don’t let relatively minor disagreements like that one spoil International French Fry Day for you tomorrow.

A little history…

Europeans may have first encountered ‘Fried Potatoes’ in 1629 when indigenous people ‘sent fried and stewed potatoes’ to a dinner at Fort Nativity in what is now Nacimiento, Chile, according to Chilean soldier and scholar Francisco Núñez de Pineda y Bascuñán in his memoir Cautiverio feliz (1673). Which is fitting, since the Potato, itself, is believed to be native to Chile.

And it make sense, then, that Spanish probably first brought the prototype of the dish back to Europe as early as the mid-1600s in what was then known as the Spanish Netherlands – known today as Belgium.

Since then, dozens of variations of what we know as French Fries (because of the deep frying technique that’s now used to prepare them is French in origin) have evolved in countries around the world.

In Belgium, they don’t eat them with Ketchup like many North Americans do – they prefer Mayonnaise! Elsewhere, they lean towards Mustard (where Pretzels are popular). In fact, Fries are seen as ‘best plate buddies’ of a whole galaxy of accompaniments, depending where you are.

The modern era

I won’t spend a lot of time debating the origin of the modern Fry, either. But it makes some kind of sense to give McDonald’s – as franchised by one-time Milkshake Mixer salesman Ray Kroc – credit for making the contemporary Fry famous worldwide. And the fact that so many other restaurants, both chain and one-offs, from the Fast Food sector to the Fine Dining sphere, have basically adopted the McDonald’s model (see photo, top of page), just adds to McD’s cred in the matter.

French Fry Day

… Is agreed to fall on July 13 each year, regardless of the day of the week that date falls on. Most Fast Food purveyors are offering single-day specials to celebrate. Other restos that feature Fries prominently on their menus are also planning celebrations. The next big question is: What are you planning to do to mark the day? It’s a classic opportunity to have some fun with food and get the family involved, whether you make your own, buy some in ready-to-eat from your favourite source, or get creative and surprise your family or isolation pod companions.

So, tomorrow…

I’ll make some suggestions to help you address the issues involved in making your own Fries from scratch, and offer some recipes, mash-ups and modes of presentation in which to use your Fries. And, yes, we’re going to focus on making Fries a Meal!

~ Maggie J.