Fancy Tater Tot Nachos - © averircooks\.com

COVID-19 Lock Down Cooking Fun: Leverage Tater Tots!

I saw a ‘recipe’ for spice-dredged, sauced-up Tater Tots during my daily rounds of the Food-related media sources this morning which looked good, and struck me as one of those ‘Where was I when this came along and how did I miss it?’ inspiration triggers…

Tater Tots Fondue - © parents.comTater Tot Fondue: This version features Fruit and Veggie Chunks, Tortellini
Pasta (pre-cooked al dente) and Profiterollen for Dessert!

The premise is simple: The recipe that started it all was really just a simple mash-up of Tots, a home-brew Spice Blend powder and a quick DIY BBQ Cheese Sauce. Ideal for those who like their snacks Starchy, Hot and Gooey. I went looking and found another, similar recipe for ‘Tot-chos’: Nachos topped with Cheese Sauce and whatever you want on yours, but built on a base of Tater Tots rather than Corn Chips. From there, my imagination took over…

Dinner Totchos

My first thought was to expand the horizons of the ‘Ballpark’ style Totchos in the original recipe, and make them a meal… ( See: Fancy Tater Tots Nachos, photo top of page.)

Prepare your Tater Tots according to package instructions.

Spread in a single, tight layer on a sheet pan or large oven-proof dish (like a Lasagna dish) lined with parchment paper.

Top immediately with a layer of shredded Cheddar or Jack Cheese.

Spread over the Cheese a layer of Chunked Sausage, Pulled Chicken or Pork, Ground Beef Crumble or whatever protein you prefer.

Add diced Onions, Sweet Green Peppers, Jalapeños (according to your taste), Tomatoes, Corn Kernels and whatever else you like.

Then top with Guacamole, Sour Cream and more shredded Cheese (as desired).

Bake at 400 F until the Cheese is bubbly.

Serve in portions scooped out of the baking pan with a large spatula. May be eaten with hands or a fork as desired.

Tater Tot Poutine

This is ‘fancy’ Poutine with real French Canadian flare…

Prepare your Tater Tots according to package instructions.

Arrange Tots in a loose pile in an oven-safe individual bowls (erg.- Pyrex or stoneware).

Add nice generous dollops of Caramelized Onions, Sauteed Mushroom Slices and Ground Pork (or Beef) Crumble.

Top with Fresh Cheddar Cheese Curds, or Chunked Cheddar or Jack Cheese.

Drizzle with old fashioned Diner-style Gravy (eg.- French’s).

Place under the broiler or just bake at 425 F until the Cheese melts.

Serve with a caution that the dishes are HOT.

Tater Tot Fondue

Here’s another more-glamourous presentation for good old Tater Tots…

Prepare your Tater Tots according to package instructions.

In a saucepan, melt several big handfuls of shredded Fontina, Gruyere, Cheddar, or Fontina Cheese – better yet, a blend of some or all of those – with a cup / 250 ml of Dry White Wine, 2 tbsp. / 30 ml of Flour, a pinch of Nutmeg and a generous pinch of Salt. Stir often so the ingredients get well combined and the Sauce turns out smooth and creamy.

Prepare a platter including fully cooked Chorizo, Kiełbasa or whatever fully cooked Sausage you prefer, as well as par-cooked Broccoli and Cauliflower Florets, Raw Button Mushrooms and other treats suitable for dipping in gooey, Cheesy goodness.

Serve Tots in a big bowl that’s been warmed in the oven after the Tots are finished baking but while the oven is still warm. Cover with a Kitchen Towel to keep warm.

Serve Sauce in a traditional Fondue pot with heat source underneath.

By now you’ve got the idea…

Now, leaf through your favourite cookbook or surf the Web and put together some of your own fun, easy Tater-Tot-based suppers. And by all means, get input from the whole family!

~ Maggie J.