Fish Oil Capsules - © via Pintrest

Diet Tips For Osteoarthritis Sufferers

New research demonstrates that simple changes in diet and activity patterns could significantly alleviate the symptoms of osteoarthritis, a condition that makes life miserable for millions every day. The key may be a simple, readily available dietary supplement we all could probably use more of…

Severe Osteoarthritis in Hands - © Springer Science+Business MediaSevere Osteoarthritis typically shows up most prominently in the hands and knees…

A new study just published in the journal Rheumatology suggests that osteoarthritis sufferers could significantly reduce their pain and mobility issues by employing a few simple lifestyle changes…

One essential supplement…

In the largest, most up-to-date study of its kind, researchers from the University of Surrey, UK, examined the link between diet and the effective self-management of osteoarthritis. Analysing 68 previous studies in the field, researchers found that a low-dose supplement of fish oil (one and a half standard capsules) could result in pain reduction for patients with osteoarthritis and help improve their cardiovascular health. Essential fatty acids in fish oil reduce inflammation in joints, helping to alleviate pain.

But that’s not all…

The study also revealed that weight loss in obese or overweight patients also contributed to a more pleasant lifestyle for osteo sufferers. Not only does obesity increase strain on joints, it can cause low-grade, systemic inflammation in the body aggravating the condition further. The researchers suggest that a calorie restricted diet combined with exercises targeted at improving mobility could reduce pain in overweight patients. Alas, no benefit was foreseen from these measures for lean patients.

On another vector, increased intake of Vitamin K – abundant in Kale, Spinach and Parsley, to name just a few leafy greens – and reduced cholesterol levels were also shown to contribute to reduced pain in osteoarthritis sufferers.

The key seems to be controlling and reducing, where possible, the level of systemic inflammation sufferers are living with.

My take…

I have a family history of inflammatory body chemistry and it does crop out in old age in osteoarthritis. I am just on the doorstep of the osteo zone, myself, but older close relations of mine are already deeply involved with this quality of life-thieving condition. I’m going to grab a bottle of Fish Oil capsules today when I’m at the pharmacy getting a refill on my anti-cholesterol meds.

~ Maggie J.